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Kratom Withdrawal and How to Treat It

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Kratom is a plant native to Southeast Asia used for centuries as a natural painkiller and mood enhancer. When the body becomes dependent on it, withdrawal can be painful and difficult. This blog post explains withdrawal and how to treat it.

Kratom Withdrawal Symptoms

Muscle Aches, Sweating, Shaking, & Nausea

As Kratom leaves the body, a person may experience muscle aches and sweating. They may also feel shaky or nauseous. This is a sign that the body is beginning to re-adjust to a non-Kratom state. While not precisely painful, these symptoms can be distressing enough to cause many recovering addicts to relapse. The discomfort tends to be worse the longer a person has used Kratom.

Cravings and Agitation

Since Kratom affects mood and emotions, a person in withdrawal will probably feel depressed, angry, or anxious. They may experience cravings for more of the herb. This can lead to more severe symptoms like agitation and insomnia. It’s all part of the detox process, and while it’s not easy to deal with, it’s not the worst part of withdrawal.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

In severe cases of Kratom addiction, a person may experience vomiting and diarrhea as the body tries to eliminate all traces of the drug from its system as quickly as possible. In other cases, it may stop producing regular bowel movements so suddenly that a user may feel sick or crampy in the gut.

Hallucinations & Seizures

Although not common, some people experience hallucinations and seizures when trying to quit the drug. These are more severe withdrawal effects that sometimes require medical attention. They are usually seen in users who have taken high doses of Kratom for a prolonged period.

Worsening of Mental Health Issues

In rare cases, a person who already suffers from mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or psychosis may find their symptoms worsening when they quit Kratom. This is most likely to happen if a doctor prescribes Kratom to treat these conditions rather than using it as a temporary intervention. At the same time, the patient works with a therapist to develop lasting coping strategies.

Delusions & Psychotic Symptoms

Although not common, some people experience delusions and psychotic symptoms when trying to quit the drug. They are usually seen in users who have taken high doses of Kratom for a prolonged period. In some cases, a person may become suicidal. If this happens, professional help is imperative.

High Blood Pressure & Irregular Heart Rhythms

In sporadic cases, a person who quits Kratom will experience high blood pressure and irregular heart rhythms. This is most likely to happen if a doctor prescribes Kratom to treat these conditions rather than using it as a temporary intervention. At the same time, the patient works with a therapist to develop lasting coping strategies.

How Long Does Kratom Withdrawal Last?

The first symptoms of Kratom withdrawal will usually start within 6-12 hours after the last dose. However, they may not start to get noticeable until days after you quit.

The amount of time it will take for withdrawal symptoms to pass depends on how long you used Kratom and the dose you were taking. Generally, those who use less than 10 grams a day experience mild symptoms compared to those who use 8-15 grams a day. High doses of 20-30 grams a day cause severe symptoms.

Also, the intensity of withdrawal symptoms is directly related to how long you used Kratom. They can range from mild to extreme and typically peak between 48-72 hours after quitting.

It is difficult for some people to recover from Kratom addiction because the severity of withdrawal symptoms does not always correspond with how much they used or for how long. In some cases, people who used high doses for a short amount of time experience moderate to severe symptoms compared to those taking low amounts for a long time.

The good news is that withdrawal symptoms usually subside within 7-10 days. After this period, physical and psychological symptoms tend to lessen in both intensity and frequency.

It can take several weeks for the symptoms of Kratom addiction withdrawal to subside completely. Withdrawal symptoms that have gone on for longer than two weeks are usually signed that you have an underlying medical problem. Consult your doctor as soon as possible if this is the case.

What Helps With Kratom Withdrawal?

There are a few things you can do to relieve withdrawal symptoms. The first thing is to drink plenty of fluids. You should aim for at least 64 ounces of water each day. This will help flush your system and replenish electrolytes lost through sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

The second thing you should do is eat healthy meals throughout the day. This is because some of the withdrawal symptoms are the result of your body not getting enough nutrition. The more you give it, the faster it will recover.
You should also get plenty of sleep throughout your Kratom withdrawal journey. This has to do with how much restful sleep improves mood and energy levels. Not only that, but lack of sleep can aggravate your withdrawal symptoms and should thus be avoided.

Try to remain active as you recover from Kratom addiction. This means engaging in light exercise such as walking, running, or cycling. Also, try doing some yoga or meditation. This will help you relax and relieve stress while working towards a healthier future.

Do not worry if you cannot do all of these things simultaneously. As mentioned, this is a difficult time for your body and mind. Thus, try to focus on one thing at a time and make sure that you do it to the best of your ability.

Withdrawal from Kratom is a severe issue that can be hard to deal with. If you feel like it may soon become an issue for you, be sure to follow the tips on preventing withdrawal symptoms for Kratom. Also, you can visit Pomarri for outpatient rehab if you or your loved one is suffering from these symptoms.

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