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Reducing Stress

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What is Stress? Stress is the body’s reaction to a harmful situation, whether this harm is real or perceived. Stress prepares your body for danger. When you are stressed your heart rate increases, your breathing quickens, your muscles tighten, and your blood pressure rises. This happens in preparation for your fight-or-flight response.

Not all stress is bad. Stress can protect you from harmful situations and motivate. However, when stress is chronic, it becomes a problem. Chronic stress can cause physiological and emotional complications.

Physiological symptoms of stress include, but are not limited to:

-Sleep disturbances -Headaches -Stomach aches -Chest pain

-Muscle tension -Frequent infections -Dry mouth -Inability to focus

-Clenched jaw and teeth grinding -Forgetfulness and disorganization -Poor judgement

-Changes in eating patterns -Increase risk for stroke -Increase risk for heart attack

-Skin and hair problems

Emotional symptoms of stress include:

-Nervousness -Anxiety -mood swings -Difficulty relaxing -Low self-esteem

So what can you do to help reduce chronic stress?

1. Identify the source of your stress-Is your stress being caused by work demands or your procrastination of these demands?
-Do you explain away stress as temporary? “My stress will go away once this project is done. I’ll relax when it is over.”

-Do you think stress is a normal state of being?

Once you are able to identify your source of stress and accept how you may be creating or maintaining this stress, you will begin to control this stress.

2. Identify coping techniques you currently use-even if something may bring temporary relief from stress, it does not mean it is a healthy way to cope with stress.

Some unhealthy ways to cope with stress include:

3. Come up with Healthier ways to manage stress.

Some ideas are:

4. Follow the 4 A’s: Avoid, Alter, Adapt, and Accept

5. Make time for fun and relaxation.

Make an effort daily to set aside time to relax. Don’t let anyone or anything take this time away from you.

Do something you enjoy daily.

6. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Food that help reduce stress:

If you’d like more information or ideas to reduce stress, visit these pages:

Stress Symptoms

The Effects of Stress on Your Body

Effects of stress on the Body

Stress Management

10 Relaxation Techniques That Zap Stress Fast

Foods That Help Tame Stress

23 Science-Backed Ways to Reduce Stress Right Now

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