Kratom is a plant native to Southeast Asia used for centuries as a natural painkiller and mood enhancer. When the...
October 28, 2021
Mixing Xanax and Alcohol is a dangerous cocktail that has been on the rise in recent years. The drug combination...
September 10, 2021
Morphine is a drug that is administered by medics to treat pain. Morphine is among the drugs referred to as...
August 20, 2021
What Is A Drug Test? Also known as drug screening, are medically conducted tests used to look for the presence...
June 04, 2021
This is a blog for Pomarri Outpatient Drug Rehab and Addiction Center. Our official website is and our Facebook page is...
April 06, 2021
Watch this motivational video explaining the power that can come by changing the way you think. The Chemical Side of...
April 06, 2021
Most of today’s blog is going to come from an article by James Clear. To read the full article, which...
April 06, 2021
I’ve talked a lot about how positive thinking changes your brain physiologically. But if I know one thing, I know...
April 06, 2021